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Your Full-Service Logistics Provider

We Are Logisticians

40 Years of Experience and Reliability

With competence and passion we deliver high quality services from people for people. As a full-service logistics provider, we support you in all processes of your supply chain. Our understanding of partnership in practice: accompanying our customers every step of the way - from national and international transport management to individual warehousing and contract logistics solutions and expansion abroad.

Learn more about the NOSTA Group

In Focus

Ocean Freight Schedule Changes

Since February 2025, international ocean freight alliances have changed their schedules and routes – with far-reaching consequences for the world of logistics. How can companies respond to this? We provide insights: keep an eye on schedule changes, take advantage of new route diversity, secure freight capacity early, and make targeted use of shorter transit times.

Now is the right time to adapt your logistics processes and take advantage of opportunities to increase efficiency.

More about Schedule Changes

Our Services

We bring logistics to the point.

Logo of NOSTA Group at a red ball


Whether over short distances or to faraway destinations, and whether it‘s small- or large-volume transports - For all modes of transport NOSTA Group provides intelligent, economical and sustainable solutions, concepts as well as high-performance dispatching software.

Sea & Air

Sea & Air

We offer you the full range of services from small packages to complex project shipments. In worldwide export and import, we are on the move for you with combined door-to-door transport solutions on all modes of transport.



With the combination of truck and rail transport, the NOSTA Group offers ers its customers highly efficient and sustainable logistics solutions.

Contract Logistics

Contract Logistics

We take care of all your warehouse logistics and control your material fl ows so that warehouse throughput times are low, quality is high and your logistics costs can be planned.



The combination of a professional and customer-oriented supply chain consulting together with innovative solution approaches and methods from the fi eld of new business lets you experience added value in your logistical challenges.



As a fulfillment partner, we support you with stable, operational processes and a high level of service quality along the eCommerce supply chain and offer integration options to all relevant shops and marketplaces.

About us
About us

Over 40 locations worldwide. More than 800 employees. Successfully operating in the world of logistics for more than 45 years.

Our Core Values
Our Core Values

Our core values not only provide us with guidance and help us make decisions when faced with daily challenges, but also show our customers and business partners that they can rely on us and our service.


From animal feed to fashion and care products all the way to Food - as a contract logistics provider we handle the complete warehouse logistics for you and control your material flows.

Market Update
Market Update

Which topics are moving our industry? What market developments can we expect in the coming weeks and months? Read our NOSTA Market Update for the most important trends, news and assessments from our experts.
