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Press Releases

Ecoflex trailers for sustainable transport22/05/2024

NOSTA Group Equips Fleet With Fuel-Saving Trailers

With the purchase of ten aerodynamic semi-trailers from Schmitz Cargobull, the NOSTA Group intends to further reduce its fuel consumption and make its transport services more sustainable.


NOSTA Group Transports Goods for Felix Schoeller Emission-Free

Shuttle service between NOSTA warehouse in Siebenlehn and Felix Schoeller plant in Weißenborn is now electric

Ecoflex trailers for sustainable transport


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group Equips Fleet With Fuel-Saving Trailers

With the purchase of ten aerodynamic semi-trailers from Schmitz Cargobull, the NOSTA Group intends to further reduce its fuel consumption and make its transport services more sustainable.


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group Transports Goods for Felix Schoeller Emission-Free

Shuttle service between NOSTA warehouse in Siebenlehn and Felix Schoeller plant in Weißenborn is now electric


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group opens new branch in Bucharest

Bucharest, April 10, 2024 – With the opening of a new branch in Bucharest on April 8, 2024, NOSTA Group establishes an even stronger presence in Romania. After starting the first branch in Cluj-Napoca at the end of 2023, the Osnabrück-based full-service logistics provider now took the step into the nation’s capital.

Jesper Lund in NOSTA Warehouse


  • Press Release

Jesper Lund is NOSTA Group's new Commercial Director Global Sea & Air

NOSTA Group is strengthening the growth of its international air and sea freight business and announces the appointment of Jesper Lund as Commercial Director Global Sea & Air as of February 15, 2024.



  • Press Release

New course set for NOSTA Group management: Ivo Aris appointed COO Global Sea & Air

NOSTA Group continues its consistent internationalization and announces the appointment of Ivo Aris as COO Global Sea & Air.

Profilbild Szilard Sarkozi


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group opens new branch in Romania

NOSTA Group opens two new locations in Romania on December 1, 2023. The main location will be the northern Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca. The focus of the new branch will be on road transport and the handling of sea and air freight.

Nahaufnahme Zugmaschinen


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group renews fleet with Mercedes-Benz Actros

NOSTA Group has replaced its in-house fleet of vehicles. A total of 34 new vehicles of the Actros 5L series from Mercedes-Benz are now on the roads throughout Europe for the full-service logistics provider. The modernization of the vehicle fleet is a further step toward greater efficiency and increased road safety for the Group.

New Apprentices at NOSTA


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group Welcomes 33 new Apprentices

Significant increase compared to 2022. The full-service logistics provider from Osnabrück welcomes a total of 33 future logistics specialists from all over Germany to its ranks. The possible careers for the talented youngsters range from industrial to commercial and technical professions. The company also offers a dual study program.

transatlantic groupage services


  • Press Release

Successful US expansion

NOSTA is establishing new transport connections to the United States: the logistics company is shipping consolidated cargo across the atlantic.

Unser Stand auf der transport logistic


  • Press Release

transport logistic 2023: NOSTA celebrates trade fair debut

The NOSTA Group will have its own stand at transport logistic in Munich for the first time. The main focus of the family-run full-service logistics provider at its trade show debut is on its planned internationalization and sustainability.

Portrait Jan Steinacker


  • Company News
  • Press Release

Establishment of NOSTA Solutions GmbH

With the establishment of NOSTA Solutions GmbH, we combine the areas of Supply Chain Consulting and New Business. The COO of the new company is Jan Steinacker.

Jubiläum NOSTA


  • Inside
  • Press Release

45 years of logistics to the point - NOSTA celebrates anniversary

February 15 marks the day that NOSTA entered the market 45 years ago. Recently, we set a new course in order to prepare for a successful future.

Portrait Sven Hornig


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  • Press Release

Sven Hornig new Chief Sales Officer of NOSTA Logistics GmbH

Sven Hornig is the new CSO (Chief Sales Officer) of NOSTA Logistics GmbH. The aim of the newly created position is to utilize synergies and develop new business areas in order to meet increasing customer demands in an even more agile manner and with even more innovative solutions.

Tobias Brandt


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  • Press Release

Tobias Brandt new COO of NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH

With the appointment of Tobias Brandt as COO (Chief Operating Officer) of NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH, we are ensuring undivided attention to the German sea and air freight market. Brandt succeeds Peter Mundt, who moved up to the NOSTA Group's global Management Board on January 1, 2023.

Portrait Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp and Peter Mundt


  • Company News
  • Press Release

NOSTA Holding expands Management Board

Since the beginning of the year, Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp as COO Road & Rail and Peter Mundt as COO Sea & Air have joined the Steering Committee. With the appointment of the two experts to the Management Board, structures are being created to further expand shares in existing markets and open up entirely new target markets.

Benjamin Jansson eCommerce


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  • Press Release

NOSTA Group establishes its own eCommerce company

With the spin-off company NOSTA eCommerce GmbH, the full-service logistics provider wants to strengthen and expand its e-commerce services. In addition to existing warehouse solutions for individual customers, the new company will now also offer its own product solution.

Branch Warsaw in Poland


  • Company News
  • Press Release

New Air Freight Branch in Warsaw

With the establishment of an office in Warsaw, NOSTA Logistik Sp. Z.o.o. is entering new markets in Poland. In addition to the existing range of road and sea freight services, air freight will now also be part of the company's service portfolio. The Warsaw location is a strategically important step, as the Polish capital is also home to the country's largest air freight terminal.

Portrait Cordula Brockmeyer


  • NOSTA Group
  • Warehousing
  • Press Release

NOSTA bundles contract logistics business under new management

New warehousing expertise: Under the management of our new COO Contract Logistics Cordula Brockmeyer, we will henceforth consolidate the existing expertise from different business units into a self-sufficient division.

Participants of the research project MultiRELOAD


  • NOSTA Group
  • Press Release

NOSTA Group participates in EU project MultiRELOAD

The NOSTA Group is an official partner of the EU project MultiRELOAD. Research is being conducted into how the transport chain can be made more efficient, effective and sustainable by integrating inland ports.

Start of Apprenticeship at NOSTA


  • Inside
  • Press Release

NOSTA is growing: 23 apprentices are starting their careers

Ladbergen, 1 August 2022 - The NOSTA Group today opened its doors to its new junior­ staff for the start of their apprenticeship. At the Beverland Resort in Ost­bevern, the Westphalian logistics service provider welcomed the 23 young talents for an introductory meeting and team building. The targeted training programmes ­include industrial, commercial and technical professions as well as a dual study programme. ­

Kranbare Auflieger der NOSTA Road


  • Rail
  • NOSTA Group
  • Road
  • Press Release

30 new craneable trailers for combined transports

Ladbergen-based NOSTA Group has commissioned 30 new Schmitz Cargobull brand trailers. The three-axle trailers offer space for up to 33 europallets and are craneable. This means they can also be used in combined transportation. Moreover, they are equipped with the RoofSafetyAirBag system, which prevents dangerous ice accidents.

NOSTA Rail Services


  • Rail
  • Road
  • Sea & Air
  • Warehousing
  • Logistics
  • Press Release

New train service to Tilburg

This week, our NOSTA Rail GmbH has taken up a new route link to Tilburg in the Netherlands. The connection, which continues to Vlissingen via Tilburg, supplements the existing train service to Antwerp/Vlissingen with one round trip per week.

NOSTA Poland Anniversary


  • Rail
  • Road
  • Sea & Air
  • Warehousing
  • Logistics
  • Press Release

NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. bets on Polish market

NOSTA Logistik, a forwarding company specializing in demanding transport and just-in-time deliveries, accelerates its development on the Polish market and presents its key development directions. The company has just celebrated the 8th anniversary of its activity in poland. The company plans to develop transport services for the FMCG and retail sectors, as well as sea and air freight forwarding services.

NOSTA Jubiläumsbild


  • Inside
  • Press Release

44 Years of NOSTA Group

By founding the former NOSTA Transport GmbH on 15 February 1978, Andrea and Thomas Gallenkamp laid the foundation for today's NOSTA Group. For 44 years, we at NOSTA have been focusing on quality, competence and, above all, customer centricity. We are sticking to this mission statement and promise on our further path of growth.

NOSTA Flaggen


  • Press Release

New Office of NOSTA Logistics B.V. Opens in Venlo

On 1 May 2021, our Rotterdam-based NOSTA Logistics B.V. has opened a second office in Venlo. With this step, our company is expanding its footprint in the Netherlands and extending its service portfolio for customers. At the Venlo location, our team will specialise primarily in road freight and handle Europe-wide LTL and FTL shipments. In addition, we will provide comprehensive logistics consulting to our customers helping them optimise their supply chains.

Gruppenfoto des Managements


  • Press Release

Florian Körner Becomes Chief Financial Officer of the NOSTA Holding GmbH

Generation change in the management of NOSTA Holding GmbH: The former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Thomas Müller retired at the end of June 2020 after 27 years with the NOSTA Group. With effect from 1. July 2020, his successor Florian Körner takes over the position of CFO at the internationally operating full-service logistics company. Together with Nicolas Gallenkamp (CEO) and Marcus Thoben (COO), the 36-year-old will in future form the management of NOSTA Holding GmbH.

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For other image requests, please contact Mr. Julius Schwerdt.
