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NOSTA Fahnen am Standort Ladbergen

News & Media

News from NOSTA Group

We want to be to the point when it comes to information. That is why you will always find the latest information from the entire NOSTA world in the News & Media section. 

In our press area, we provide members of the press not only with the latest press releases, but also with a selection of photos.

The NOSTA Stories section offers genuine reports, giving you an exclusive insight into our working environment, the expertise of our specialists and much more. You will also find references from renowned customers.

With our newsletter, for which you can register here free of charge, we regularly inform you about our most important topics, innovations and news.


NOSTA Stories

With more than 800 employees worldwide, there is always something exciting going on somewhere: True NOSTA stories! Here you will find interesting news, insights into our day-to-day work and our competent experts comment on complex topics related to our work as an international full-service logistics provider.

NOSTA Stories and Corporate News
Corporate News

Corporate News

We are opening a new location near you? One of our business units launches a new product? The appearance at a job fair was a great success? This is the first place to find out about the latest developments within the NOSTA Group.

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At NOSTA we have competent and experienced professionals working for us. We want you to benefit from the knowledge of these experts. Current logistics topics are just as important to us as looking at future developments in the market.

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Do good and let your customers talk about it. Many renowned companies are represented on our more than 250,000 m² of warehouse space and on the various modes of transport. Here our customers tell about their successful cooperation with us.

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Topics & News from all Business Units

NOSTA Flaggen


  • Company News

Amsterdam Branch at new Location

On June 1, 2024, our branch in Amsterdam moved to a new location near the international airport Amsterdam-Schiphol.

Unsere Core Values


  • Inside

Our Core Values

Our Core Values are not only important to us, but also to our partners and customers worldwide. They form the basis for our consulting on eye level and our continuous development into an internationally operating full-service logistics provider.

NOSTA Silofahrzeug für Silotransport


  • Company News

NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. with positive SQAS score

NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. has taken a further step towards greater safety and quality and has achieved the important SQAS certification in Poland.

Ecoflex trailers for sustainable transport


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group Equips Fleet With Fuel-Saving Trailers

With the purchase of ten aerodynamic semi-trailers from Schmitz Cargobull, the NOSTA Group intends to further reduce its fuel consumption and make its transport services more sustainable.

anniversary nosta poland


  • Company News

NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. celebrates 10 years

2024 is a very special year for our Polish national company - 10 years ago, the company began its activities as a logistics service provider.

Emblem Zoll


  • Inside

Great Britain introduces Common User Charge

From April 30, 2024, the UK government has introduced a Common User Charge for certain imports.


  • Company News

Emission-Free Transport at Siebenlehn Branch

Sustainable news from NOSTA: Together with Felix Schoeller, we have launched a project for emission-free transportation by truck.


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group Transports Goods for Felix Schoeller Emission-Free

Shuttle service between NOSTA warehouse in Siebenlehn and Felix Schoeller plant in Weißenborn is now electric

Logistics Day 2024 Collage


  • Company News

Celebrating the Diversity of Transport – Logistics Day 2024

Logistics Day celebrates the diversity and importance of the logistics industry by highlighting its various facets and opportunities.

NOSTA Flaggen


  • Company News

NOSTA opens new branch in Bucharest

When NOSTA started its Romanian national company NOSTA Logistics S.R.L. at the end of 2023, the opening of a branch in Bucharest was already firmly planned. Now, the wait is over: On April 8, 2024, we opened a new office right in the heart of the Romanian capital.


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group opens new branch in Bucharest

Bucharest, April 10, 2024 – With the opening of a new branch in Bucharest on April 8, 2024, NOSTA Group establishes an even stronger presence in Romania. After starting the first branch in Cluj-Napoca at the end of 2023, the Osnabrück-based full-service logistics provider now took the step into the nation’s capital.

Verladung von Containern für den Schienentransport


  • Expertise

Combined transport: the eco-friendly logistics solution

We take a closer look at the environmental benefits of combined transport and how it is helping to make the logistics industry greener.

Jesper Lund in NOSTA Warehouse


  • Company News

Jesper Lund is new Commercial Director Global Sea & Air

NOSTA Group welcomes Jesper Lund to its ranks. With immediate effect, the Dane fills the position of Commercial Director Global Sea & Air.

Jesper Lund in NOSTA Warehouse


  • Press Release

Jesper Lund is NOSTA Group's new Commercial Director Global Sea & Air

NOSTA Group is strengthening the growth of its international air and sea freight business and announces the appointment of Jesper Lund as Commercial Director Global Sea & Air as of February 15, 2024.

Tobias Brandt and Yannick Boettcher in our video studio.


  • Expertise
  • Road

Current Situation in the Red Sea

Since the end of 2023, attacks by Yemeni Houthi rebels on merchant ships near the Red Sea have caused disruptions to international shipping traffic. In this interview, Tobias Brandt and Yannick Böttcher from NOSTA Sea & Air explain the consequences of the current situation.

NOSTA LKW entlädt Sand


  • Road
  • Company News

NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. starts new bulk goods service

In response to the ever-evolving transport landscape and the growing needs of local clients, NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o., our national company in Poland, has started a new product – bulk goods transport with tippers.

die Zahl 46 vor einem alten NOSTA LKW


  • Company News

46 years of NOSTA - Shaping future logistics together

February 15 is a very special day for us every year. Exactly 46 years went by since Andrea and Thomas Gallenkamp founded today's NOSTA Group.

USA Transports with Seafreight and Airfreight


  • Inside

Logistics solutions for SMEs between Europe and the US

What challenges do small and medium-sized companies face when exporting and importing internationally? Tobias Brandt provides answers.

Wirtschaft gegen rechts


  • Company News

NOSTA is colorful

The NOSTA Group is making a clear statement against the rise of right-wing extremist forces and is firmly committed to tolerance and diversity.



  • Press Release

New course set for NOSTA Group management: Ivo Aris appointed COO Global Sea & Air

NOSTA Group continues its consistent internationalization and announces the appointment of Ivo Aris as COO Global Sea & Air.

Verladung eines Containers


  • Company News
  • Sea & Air

Creative Solutions for Project Logistics

The handling of project logistics has emerged as an important topic for the road specialists of our branch in Bielefeld.

beladenes Containerschiff in Küstennähe


  • Company News
  • Sea & Air

Update on the Current Situation in the Red Sea

We are once again providing information on the current situation in the Red Sea and the resulting consequences for international sea freight transportation.

beladenes Containerschiff in Küstennähe


  • Company News

Impact of the Current Situation in the Red Sea

The impact on transportation costs and transit times in container shipping cannot be accurately predicted at this time. That depends on developments in the near future and any measures taken to contain the danger in the southern Red Sea.

Profilbild Szilard Sarkozi


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group opens new branch in Romania

NOSTA Group opens two new locations in Romania on December 1, 2023. The main location will be the northern Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca. The focus of the new branch will be on road transport and the handling of sea and air freight.

NOSTA Flaggen


  • Company News

NOSTA Logistics S.R.L. launches in Romania

With the opening of a new branch in Romania on December 1, 2023, NOSTA Group is taking another important step as an internationally active full-service logistics provider. Following the successful establishment of subsidiaries in the USA, Poland and the Netherlands, Romania is the fourth country outside of Germany with an independent NOSTA national company.

Christian Hammacher im Interview


  • Expertise
  • Road

The toll increase is coming - what happens next?

It's here: the increase in the truck toll will come into force on December 1, 2023. From this point on, the CO2 emissions of vehicles will play a central role in the toll calculation. What does this mean in detail for the logistics industry and for NOSTA Group? Christian Hammacher, COO Road at NOSTA Logistics GmbH, provides answers to the most important questions shortly before the introduction.

Versandvorbereitung für ein Paket


Long lasting shoes, carbon-neutral shipping: MERINOS relies on NOSTA

Sustainability has been ever-present in the logistics industry for years. But it's not just our processes that are becoming more sustainable: our customer base is also increasingly reflecting the trend toward sustainability. This includes the company MERINOS, that NOSTA eCommerce GmbH supports in its logistics.

Nahaufnahme Zugmaschinen


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group renews fleet with Mercedes-Benz Actros

NOSTA Group has replaced its in-house fleet of vehicles. A total of 34 new vehicles of the Actros 5L series from Mercedes-Benz are now on the roads throughout Europe for the full-service logistics provider. The modernization of the vehicle fleet is a further step toward greater efficiency and increased road safety for the Group.



  • Inside

A visit at our site in Melle: High-quality warehouse logistics at a glance

The NOSTA Group portfolio includes a total of 250,000 square meters of storage space, which is used by customers from a wide range of industries. From proven storage in high racks to more complex value-added services, many things are possible here. One of the locations is our warehouse in Melle with an area of 25,300 square meters. We visited the site.

LKW auf einer Straße


  • Company News

NOSTA Group informs about toll adjustment

Back in June 2023, we reported that the German Cabinet had approved a significant increase in the German truck toll. This amendment to the Federal Highway Toll Act is expected to generate around €7.6 billion in additional revenue, which will be used to strengthen rail as a mode of transport.

FTL and LTL transports to easteurope


  • Company News

NOSTA Group steps up activities in the Balkans

We are focusing on Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia and are offering a significantly expanded portfolio of services for these countries.In addition to daily FTL transports in export and import, LTL transports are also offered twice a week. Depending on the country, this involves a transit time of two to a maximum of five days.

Preisverleihung Leo Award


  • Company News

Nicolas Gallenkamp receives LEO Award

DVZ has presented Nicolas Gallenkamp with the LEO Award in the "Entrepreneur" category.

Long Steel Transport from Germany to the US


Long Steel Transport from Germany to the US

Ever since its first shipment in 1978, the transportation of steel has been a significant aspect of NOSTA Group's business. But how does the company manage the challenges of international steel transport?

Air Freight NOSTA IATA


  • Company News

NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. receives IATA certificate

By joining the International Air Transport Association as an agent, NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. has become a partner of one of the largest networks of airlines and logistics partners in the world. In particular, the company's Warsaw office, which has been in existence since 2022, is thereby continuously and effectively expanding its range of services for potential and existing air freight customers.

remmidemmi as NOSTA eCommerce Customer


Efficient cooperation with "remmidemmi GmbH"

The packages full of items for babies and toddlers were ready for shipping at our warehouse in Ladbergen. Together with Münster-based "remmidemmi GmbH", a BabyOne subsidiary, we had meticulously planned the launch of the new label 'ELSA & EMIL' in eCommerce. But then it happened: Just 36 hours before the planned product launch, we received a call.

New Apprentices at NOSTA


  • Press Release

NOSTA Group Welcomes 33 new Apprentices

Significant increase compared to 2022. The full-service logistics provider from Osnabrück welcomes a total of 33 future logistics specialists from all over Germany to its ranks. The possible careers for the talented youngsters range from industrial to commercial and technical professions. The company also offers a dual study program.



  • Expertise

Switzerland abolishes industrial tariffs

On January 1, 2024, customs duties will be abolished in Switzerland on a large number of industrial products. However, this change in the export business will not only have important advantages for the manufacturing industry, but also for logistics companies.



  • Expertise

Logistics Consulting NOSTA Solutions

The new NOSTA Solutions GmbH has now been on the market for just over half a year. It's about time to get an initial assessment of the company's performance. We talked to COO Jan Steinacker about the launch. In the interview, he shares the first experiences in initiating business and explains why honesty should already be a part of the project approach.

LKW auf einer Straße


  • Company News

Substantial increase in German truck toll from December 2023

The German government has passed a reform of the Federal Highway Toll Act. This is intended to add a new component for CO² emissions to the German truck toll as of Dec. 1, 2023.

Container am Kran


  • Inside

New containers? Sustainable containers!

Our containers for combined transport are rolling advertisements. They travel on routes in Germany and the Netherlands, where they are seen by potential customers. When we purchase new containers, however, it is not just a question of appearance. The functionality of the containers must also meet special requirements.

NOSTA as a top training company


  • Inside

We make our Trainees fit for the Future

Now it's official: NOSTA can continue to carry the IHK "Top Ausbildung" seal for the next three years. The corresponding certificate was now handed over to Alischa Reitz from our HR Development department. "The seal certifies that we have a particularly high standard of training," says Alischa Reitz, pleased with the award from the Osnabrück Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

NOSTA Anniversary Poland


  • Company News
  • Inside

9 years NOSTA in Poland

NOSTA started operations in Poland on May 15, 2014.

NOSTA at transport logistic 2023


  • Company News

Finally - NOSTA at Transport Logistic 2023

With our own stand in Hall A5 under number 211, we are represented for the first time as a main exhibitor at this important leading trade fair for our industry. On just under 100 square meters, we present our entire service portfolio on two floors.

transatlantic groupage services


  • Press Release

Successful US expansion

NOSTA is establishing new transport connections to the United States: the logistics company is shipping consolidated cargo across the atlantic.

Website NOSTA Group


  • Company News

NOSTA Group with international Internet address

At our new web address, users will have access to a German, English and Polish website with all the information on our service portfolio as well as the latest news from the entire NOSTA world.

Image Brochure NOSTA


  • Company News

Why NOSTA Group is publishing a new image brochure

Our brochure is a digital-only product. This saves printing costs, protects the environment and allows us to make better use of the storage space freed up from printed brochures.

NOSTA LKW vor Lager


  • Expertise

Innovative shipment tracking via Messenger

Many truck drivers on German roads come from a wide variety of countries. This can pose some challenges for communication between dispatching and the truck driver. At NOSTA, we are focusing on an intuitive and simple solution to this problem, which is also compatible with popular messenger services.

New Work bei NOSTA


  • Inside

How the working world of tomorrow is changing our leadership culture

Mobile work, work-life balance, self-realization: These are just three keywords that have gained massive importance in the modern working world as more and more people want to work more flexibly and adapted to their current living conditions.

Unser Stand auf der transport logistic


  • Press Release

transport logistic 2023: NOSTA celebrates trade fair debut

The NOSTA Group will have its own stand at transport logistic in Munich for the first time. The main focus of the family-run full-service logistics provider at its trade show debut is on its planned internationalization and sustainability.

Portrait Jan Steinacker


  • Company News
  • Press Release

Establishment of NOSTA Solutions GmbH

With the establishment of NOSTA Solutions GmbH, we combine the areas of Supply Chain Consulting and New Business. The COO of the new company is Jan Steinacker.

Jubiläum NOSTA


  • Inside
  • Press Release

45 years of logistics to the point - NOSTA celebrates anniversary

February 15 marks the day that NOSTA entered the market 45 years ago. Recently, we set a new course in order to prepare for a successful future.

Portrait Sven Hornig


  • Company News
  • Press Release

Sven Hornig new Chief Sales Officer of NOSTA Logistics GmbH

Sven Hornig is the new CSO (Chief Sales Officer) of NOSTA Logistics GmbH. The aim of the newly created position is to utilize synergies and develop new business areas in order to meet increasing customer demands in an even more agile manner and with even more innovative solutions.

NOSTA at the transport logistic


  • Company News

NOSTA Group represented at transport logistic 2023

For the first time, the NOSTA Group will be present as a main exhibitor at "transport logistic" in Munich. In Hall 5 at booth number 211, the focus will be on our product companies and their service portfolios.

grüner Baum im Sommer


  • Expertise

NOSTA branches successfully demonstrate high quality

Complex laws, high customer requirements and our proven, in-house NOSTA standards: The demands placed on us are high. To meet all these demands, we continuously subject our company and our branches to a transparent quality management. We also rely on certificates issued by external experts to confirm the high quality of our services.

Tobias Brandt


  • Company News
  • Press Release

Tobias Brandt new COO of NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH

With the appointment of Tobias Brandt as COO (Chief Operating Officer) of NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH, we are ensuring undivided attention to the German sea and air freight market. Brandt succeeds Peter Mundt, who moved up to the NOSTA Group's global Management Board on January 1, 2023.

Portrait Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp and Peter Mundt


  • Company News
  • Press Release

NOSTA Holding expands Management Board

Since the beginning of the year, Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp as COO Road & Rail and Peter Mundt as COO Sea & Air have joined the Steering Committee. With the appointment of the two experts to the Management Board, structures are being created to further expand shares in existing markets and open up entirely new target markets.

NOSTA Flaggen


  • Company News

NOSTA opens new branch in Bielefeld

NOSTA is now expanding its range of services and presence in Germany and Central Europe with a new branch in Bielefeld. The region around this major city in the northwest of Germany is home to the important A2, A30 and A33 highways and is also right in the middle of one of the economically strongest regions in the country.

Benjamin Jansson eCommerce


  • Company News
  • Press Release

NOSTA Group establishes its own eCommerce company

With the spin-off company NOSTA eCommerce GmbH, the full-service logistics provider wants to strengthen and expand its e-commerce services. In addition to existing warehouse solutions for individual customers, the new company will now also offer its own product solution.

Branch Warsaw in Poland


  • Company News
  • Press Release

New Air Freight Branch in Warsaw

With the establishment of an office in Warsaw, NOSTA Logistik Sp. Z.o.o. is entering new markets in Poland. In addition to the existing range of road and sea freight services, air freight will now also be part of the company's service portfolio. The Warsaw location is a strategically important step, as the Polish capital is also home to the country's largest air freight terminal.

Portrait Cordula Brockmeyer


  • NOSTA Group
  • Warehousing
  • Press Release

NOSTA bundles contract logistics business under new management

New warehousing expertise: Under the management of our new COO Contract Logistics Cordula Brockmeyer, we will henceforth consolidate the existing expertise from different business units into a self-sufficient division.

Participants of the research project MultiRELOAD


  • NOSTA Group
  • Press Release

NOSTA Group participates in EU project MultiRELOAD

The NOSTA Group is an official partner of the EU project MultiRELOAD. Research is being conducted into how the transport chain can be made more efficient, effective and sustainable by integrating inland ports.

Start of Apprenticeship at NOSTA


  • Inside
  • Press Release

NOSTA is growing: 23 apprentices are starting their careers

Ladbergen, 1 August 2022 - The NOSTA Group today opened its doors to its new junior­ staff for the start of their apprenticeship. At the Beverland Resort in Ost­bevern, the Westphalian logistics service provider welcomed the 23 young talents for an introductory meeting and team building. The targeted training programmes ­include industrial, commercial and technical professions as well as a dual study programme. ­

NOSTA Punktmagizin auf Tablet


  • Rail
  • NOSTA Group
  • Road

New Issue of our "Punkt" Customer Magazine 07|2022

The latest issue of our customer magazine "Punkt" is out - and once again packed with topics. In our focus article, you can read about the actions we have taken in recent months together with our employees, customers and partners to provide help and support to those affected in Ukraine.

Kranbare Auflieger der NOSTA Road


  • Rail
  • NOSTA Group
  • Road
  • Press Release

30 new craneable trailers for combined transports

Ladbergen-based NOSTA Group has commissioned 30 new Schmitz Cargobull brand trailers. The three-axle trailers offer space for up to 33 europallets and are craneable. This means they can also be used in combined transportation. Moreover, they are equipped with the RoofSafetyAirBag system, which prevents dangerous ice accidents.

NOSTA Rail Services


  • Rail
  • Road
  • Sea & Air
  • Warehousing
  • Logistics
  • Press Release

New train service to Tilburg

This week, our NOSTA Rail GmbH has taken up a new route link to Tilburg in the Netherlands. The connection, which continues to Vlissingen via Tilburg, supplements the existing train service to Antwerp/Vlissingen with one round trip per week.

NOSTA Poland Anniversary


  • Rail
  • Road
  • Sea & Air
  • Warehousing
  • Logistics
  • Press Release

NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. bets on Polish market

NOSTA Logistik, a forwarding company specializing in demanding transport and just-in-time deliveries, accelerates its development on the Polish market and presents its key development directions. The company has just celebrated the 8th anniversary of its activity in poland. The company plans to develop transport services for the FMCG and retail sectors, as well as sea and air freight forwarding services.

NOSTA Flaggen


  • Rail
  • Road
  • Sea & Air
  • Warehousing
  • Logistics
  • NOSTA Group

NOSTA Tradelog becomes FABA Logistics

The Osnabrück-based NOSTA Group terminated its activities in Luxembourg with effect from 01.04.2022. The Luxembourg subsidiary NOSTA Tradelog S.à r.l. is taken over by the long-standing Tradelog Managing Director Rainer Farsch and other shareholders through a management buyout and is now known as FABA Logistics S.à r.l.

NOSTA Flaggen


  • Rail
  • Road
  • Sea & Air
  • Logistics
  • Warehousing
  • NOSTA Group

New Location in Amsterdam

On March 1st 2022, NOSTA Logistics B.V. opened doors of its new office at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS). This new office is fully focused on the airfreight product and is the third office in The Netherlands since NOSTA Logistics BV started business in Rotterdam early 2019.

NOSTA Jubiläumsbild


  • Inside
  • Press Release

44 Years of NOSTA Group

By founding the former NOSTA Transport GmbH on 15 February 1978, Andrea and Thomas Gallenkamp laid the foundation for today's NOSTA Group. For 44 years, we at NOSTA have been focusing on quality, competence and, above all, customer centricity. We are sticking to this mission statement and promise on our further path of growth.

NOSTA Flaggen


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Relocation of our Frankfurt/Kelsterbach Branch

Dear Sir or Madam, We would like to inform you that our Frankfurt/Kelsterbach branch will be moving on 21 September 2021. As of 21 September 2021, we will expand the business premises of our NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH in the immediate vicinity of our previous office location. We will continue to be available to you as a reliable full-service logistics provider.



  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Record volumes at the ports of USA

Due to the massive increase in volume from Asia to the USA, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have been handling record volumes in recent months, which has created huge backlogs and ever increasing congestion.

NOSTA e-Frachtbrief


  • Expertise

NOSTA Participates in Development Project for the Digital Waybill

Together with a research team from the Fraunhofer IML, our company has started work in the development project "Digital waybill (e-waybill)" on 01.04.2021. The aim of the project is to implement a digital service that enables the generation, storage and further processing of digital waybills for national and international transport.

Containerterminal in Osnabrueck


  • Road
  • Sea & Air
  • NOSTA Group
  • Logistics

New Container Terminal: Osnabrück Logistics Companies Pool Their Expertise

The NOSTA Group, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics and Koch International will use the new loading center in the Port of Osnabrück from October. The foundation stone has been laid with the establishment of Container Terminal Osnabrück (CTO).

NOSTA Flaggen


  • Press Release

New Office of NOSTA Logistics B.V. Opens in Venlo

On 1 May 2021, our Rotterdam-based NOSTA Logistics B.V. has opened a second office in Venlo. With this step, our company is expanding its footprint in the Netherlands and extending its service portfolio for customers. At the Venlo location, our team will specialise primarily in road freight and handle Europe-wide LTL and FTL shipments. In addition, we will provide comprehensive logistics consulting to our customers helping them optimise their supply chains.

Photo Sustainability Report


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air
  • Road
  • Warehousing
  • Rail
  • Logistics

NOSTA Group Sustainability Report

We are pleased to present the latest NOSTA Group sustainability report. As an internationally active full-service logistics provider, environmental protection and resource conservation have always been of great importance to us. At the same time, as an owner-managed family business, responsibility towards our employees and society is very important to us.



  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

NOSTA Logistics Corporation USA – Massive Delays

We have been informed by several rail ramps in Chicago, New York/New Jersey and Los Angeles that they are experiencing severe chassis shortages, leading to massive delays for truckers awaiting loads and unexpected costs for importers.



  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Container Terminals in Hamburg

Due to the heavily loaded overseas ports, storms on the world's oceans and the resulting massive shipping delays in recent weeks, the situation for the delivery of export containers in the Port of Hamburg has unfortunately become even more difficult.



  • NOSTA Group
  • Road
  • Logistics

Extreme Weather Conditions Lead to Disruptions in Transport Chains

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, As you have been able to gather from all the relevant media reports over the last few days, the extreme weather situation is increasingly affecting the logistical transport chains. We would therefore like to proactively inform you that there will be acute delays in the transport process due to, among other things, imposed truck driving bans in North Rhine-Westphalia, terminal closures in the United Kingdom etc.

Gruppenfoto des Managements


  • Press Release

Florian Körner Becomes Chief Financial Officer of the NOSTA Holding GmbH

Generation change in the management of NOSTA Holding GmbH: The former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Thomas Müller retired at the end of June 2020 after 27 years with the NOSTA Group. With effect from 1. July 2020, his successor Florian Körner takes over the position of CFO at the internationally operating full-service logistics company. Together with Nicolas Gallenkamp (CEO) and Marcus Thoben (COO), the 36-year-old will in future form the management of NOSTA Holding GmbH.

Gesichertes Luftfrachtgut


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

NOSTA Sea & Air Opens New Office in Frankfurt

On 4 May 2020, NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH has opened a new branch office in Frankfurt am Main. By establishing additional offices, the NOSTA Group subsidiary specializing in international sea and ocean freight solutions is strengthening its national presence and responding to the growing demand in the market. The new office is strategically located in the immediate vicinity of Frankfurt International Airport. From there, NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH can offer its customers attractive export and import opportunities, especially in the air freight sector.

Stapler im Papierwarenlager


  • NOSTA Group
  • Warehousing
  • Logistics

NOSTA and Felix Schoeller Group Expand Their Logistics Concept

As part of the consistent implementation of the growth strategy for the Warehousing business unit, NOSTA Logistics GmbH will open a further location in 49324 Melle from 1 July 2020. The location meets with approx. 27,000 m² of warehouse and logistics space the desired requirements of the group of companies. The range of high-quality warehouse and logistics services can be meaningfully supplemented with this expansion of space. When deciding on this location, particular attention was also paid to the fact that the property has an active railway siding leading into the warehouse.

Containerschiff im Hafen


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

For Shipments from Europe: Equipment Imbalance Surcharge

Dear Sir or Madam, Last week, we already informed you about the challenges for the export business caused by various “Blank Sailings” from the Far East to Europe. At present, the empty equipment situation continues to worsen. The first steamship lines have reacted to this situation and implemented or already announced an "Equipment Imbalance Surcharge” for shipments from Europe. The tense empty container situation is expected to affect all trade lanes from Europe.

Containerschiff im Hafen


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

For Shipments from Europe: Equipment Imbalance Surcharge

Dear Sir or Madam, Last week, we already informed you about the challenges for the export business caused by various “Blank Sailings” from the Far East to Europe. At present, the empty equipment situation continues to worsen. The first steamship lines have reacted to this situation and implemented or already announced an "Equipment Imbalance Surcharge” for shipments from Europe. The tense empty container situation is expected to affect all trade lanes from Europe.

NOSTA Lkw Flotte


  • NOSTA Group
  • Road

Effects of the Coronavirus on the pan-European Transport Business

Dear Sir or Madam As you have been able to read in all the relevant media reports in recent days, the corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2) is spreading further throughout Germany and Europe. The coronavirus not only poses a health risk to people worldwide, its rapid spread is also increasingly affecting logistical transport chains. At this point in time, the short and medium term restrictions on transport routes within Europe cannot yet be assessed in definite terms. Up to now, the virus occurs predominantly in the north of Italy. However, an expansion of the virus area in Europe and the overseas region must be expected at any time.

Containerschiff mit Seefracht im Hafen


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Results of the Storms: Bottlenecks in Container Deliveries in the Port of Hamburg

Due to the storms over the last few weekends, a difficult situation has arisen for the delivery of export containers to the port of Hamburg: At the terminals, loading of the vessels was partially stopped. In addition, some vessels departed earlier than planned and left cargo/containers in port. Due to these events, there is currently limit free capacity left in the terminals for the delivery of new containers. To counteract this situation, export containers currently can only be delivered to the CTB and CTA terminals 48 hours before ship arrival.

gelber NOSTA Container


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Consequences of the Chinese New Year and the Coronavirus

As various press releases in the last few days have revealed, after the Chinese New Year so-called "Blank Sailings" of the shipping lines have once again been announced. These so-called empty shipping’s, i.e. departures cancelled by shipping lines, lead to a shortage of vessel capacity and a significant lack of equipment.

NOSTA Weihnachtsgrafik


  • NOSTA Group
  • Road

Sustainable Christmas Greetings

Also this year we have decided to send exclusively sustainable, digital Christmas greetings to our customers and business partners. By sending our digital Christmas cards, we not only reduce costs and effort, we are also doing something good: the costs saved will benefit several charitable organizations in the form of donations.

Lkw mit Flagge Brexit


  • NOSTA Group
  • Road

Customer Information: Latest Information About Brexit

The situation regarding Brexit has become more acute in recent days and hours: After the withdrawal agreement negotiated between London and Brussels had initially cleared the first hurdle in the British Parliament with a clear majority of 30 votes, the British House of Commons voted shortly thereafter against a regulated Brexit as of 31 October 2019. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now requesting a further extension of the EU deadline to prevent an unregulated withdrawal by Great Britain. However, the 27 remaining EU member states must first agree to a further postponement.

Übergabe Auszeichung Familienfreunlicher Arbeitgeber


  • NOSTA Group
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  • Logistics

Awarded for Family Friendliness

Our company pursues a particularly family-friendly personnel policy. The city and the district of Osnabrück have now honoured our policy with the award of the certificate “Family-friendly employer in the Osnabrück region". A few days ago the family alliances of the city and district awarded the prize at the Catholic Family Education Centre Oesede: Marcus Thoben, Managing Director of NOSTA Holding GmbH, and Julia Butke, HR Business Partner, accepted the certificate from Matthias Selle (Member of the Board LKOS) and Lord Mayor Wolfgang Griesert on behalf of the NOSTA Group. A total of 27 companies and institutions received the coveted seal of quality this year.

Icon 5 Jahre


  • NOSTA Group
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How Quickly the Time Passes: 5 Years of NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o.

Since 2014, our NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. has embodied the quality of the NOSTA Group on the Polish logistics market. This year, our international foreign subsidiary celebrates its 5th anniversary: What began in a manageable office with four employees, has developed over the last few years into a renowned, versatile logistics company with over 30 employees, which sets nationwide standards in terms of reliability, punctuality and quality.

Containerschiff im Hafen


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Incoterms® 2020: What you need to know

As mentioned in the last issue of our NOSTA newsletter, our transportation and logistics sector expected the release of the new Incoterms® version in Autumn 2019. This month, the International Chamber of Commerce published the Incoterms® 2020. Ten years after the publication of the current version, the revision of the well-known rules and regulations for international trade will come into force on January 1, 2020. This entails a number of changes.

Auszubildende vor Lkw


  • NOSTA Group

Apprenticeship 2019: Greenlight for our new Apprentices

Welcome to the NOSTA Group: On August 1, 2019, a total of 26 apprentices started their apprenticeship in our company. Whether as a merchant for forwarding and logistics services, a specialist for warehouse logistics or an IT specialist for system integration - the paths that young people take in their professional future are many and varied. With the apprenticeship a new and exciting phase of life begins for them.

Gelber NOSTA Container


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH is Expanding Further

Our NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH is opening two new branches in July 2019: In addition to the central location in Hamburg, our subsidiary specializing in international sea and air freight solutions can now also be found in Dortmund and at the Airport Center FMO. With the opening of new locations, NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH is continuing its expansion plans in the area of Global Forwarding. Under the motto Global Forwarding, we primarily market and offer our worldwide sea and airfreight activities

Bild von Bubbybären


  • NOSTA Group

We Take Over Sponsorship for a Buddy Bear

The Osnabrück Zoo has grown: Almost 100 colorful and imaginatively painted Buddy Bears can be admired for the next five weeks at the exhibition "United Buddy Bears - The Art of Tolerance" at the Zoo. It is a colorful travelling exhibition that promotes more peace, tolerance and international understanding worldwide. Through sponsorships the zoo collected donations. Numerous companies from the region took part in the project - and so did we! Our company has taken over the sponsorship for the bearish representative from Chile.

NOSTA Flaggen


  • NOSTA Group
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  • Warehousing

Renaming of NOSTA Logistiek B.V.

Dear Sir or Madam, As part of the ongoing internationalization of our company, we have decided to change our trading name from NOSTA Logistiek B.V. into NOSTA Logistics B.V. Being a global business we believe this better reflects our service offerings to our customers and partners. The name change has become effective as from May 15th 2019. We would like to emphasize that the change is only in the name, our current business structure remains the same. The same applies for our office address, banking details, tax ID number and all other business data, therefore we kindly request you to only alter our trading name in your data base.

NOSTA Lkw Flotte


  • NOSTA Group
  • Road
  • Logistics

Brexit: Preparatory Measures You Need to Know

Dear Sir or Madam Depending on the voting results in the United Kingdom (UK) Parliament, the UK will leave the European Union on 12 April or 22 May 2019. In the past few weeks and months, we have already informed you about developments and the necessary preparatory measures to take. The course of voting in the UK Parliament thus far indicates that a disorderly Brexit on 12 April 2019 is to be assumed and it is imperative to press ahead with the appropriate preparations.

Lkw mit Flagge Brexit


  • NOSTA Group
  • Road
  • Logistics

Customer Information: Current Information Regarding Brexit

Dear Sir or Madam As it stands, the United Kingdom will depart the European Union on 30 March 2019. There are currently insufficient agreements in the negotiations between the European Union and the United Kingdom as to how to govern economic relations between the two economic areas. A so-called hard Brexit is to be expected. In this case, extensive customs procedures are necessary for the movement of goods.

Containerschiff mit Fracht


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Customer Information: General Strike in Belgium on 13.02.2019

Belgian unions have announced a 24-hour general strike on 13 February 2019. In addition to Belgian airports, the strike also affects the port of Antwerp, public transport and other areas of public service. Nationwide, considerable impairments to public transport and freight traffic must be expected. We would like to point out that, as a result of the general strike, dispatching difficulties for shipments via Antwerp can also be expected.

Luftaufnahme Standort Ladbergen


  • NOSTA Group
  • Road
  • Logistics
  • Warehousing

We Invest in New Construction in Ladbergen, Germany

The NOSTA Group implements the construction of two multi-user warehouses in Ladbergen in the district of Steinfurt, Germany. As a result of the expansion, the internationally active full-service logistics service provider’s logistics centre in Ladbergen, where the family-owned company has owned a warehouse since 1997, has expanded to a total area of 23,665 m². The new building will be built on the site of the old warehouse. Completion is scheduled for the third quarter of 2019.

Nicolas Gallenkamp mit Peter Mundt


  • NOSTA Group
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Strengthening Our International Presence with the Global Forwarding Business Unit

In 2019, Osnabrueck-based NOSTA Group will resolutely maintain its international course for growth. With the expansion of the Global Forwarding business unit, the second-generation logistics company is intensifying its global sea and air freight activities, strengthening its global presence. Mr Peter Mundt, who took over the position as Managing Director of NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH with effect from 01.01.2019, will manage the Global Forwarding business unit.

Verkehrsschild Mautgebühren


  • NOSTA Group
  • Road
  • Logistics

Customer Information: Toll Adjustment Decided by the Legislator

Following the expansion of toll charges for lorries, the legislator has now decided to significantly increase toll rates with effect from 1 January 2019. Toll charges will continue to be based on the factors total permitted vehicle weight, emissions class and number of axles. Various partial toll rates have now been determined as part of the road cost report commissioned by the legislator. These are calculated based on infrastructure use, as well as air and noise pollution.

NOSTA Flaggen


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  • Logistics

Our First Location in the USA

Osnabrueck-based NOSTA Group opened its first office in the USA in West Dundee, Illinois in July 2018. The specially founded NOSTA Logistics Corporation USA will henceforth intensify the full service logistics provider’s international business in the USA and on the North American continent at this location in the immediate vicinity of Chicago. Aaron Nash will be Chief Operating Officer of the new office in the United States.

Lkw mit Flagge Brexit


  • NOSTA Group
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  • Warehousing
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  • Sea & Air

Customer Information: Possible Consequences of Brexit

The UK Government launched its withdrawal from the European Union on 29 March 2017. Great Britain’s exit from the EU will become effective on 29 March 2019. EU regulations provide for a two-year transitional period after the withdrawal takes effect in which the customs union, free movement of workers and other important EU regulations remain in force. The pre-requisite for this two-year transitional period is broad agreement on how the relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom will be shaped in the future.

Verkehrsschild Mautgebühren


  • NOSTA Group
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  • Logistics
  • Rail

Customer Information: Increasing Toll Rates as of 01.01.2019

As already announced in our customer information for the month of May, as of 01.01.2019 we expect massively increasing toll rates for German federal highways and motorways. After the toll was extended to all federal highways on 1 July 2018, this is now the second adaptation in a very short time. In accordance with Directive 1999/62/EG, future costs will not only include infrastructure costs but also air and noise costs. We refer here to data in the infrastructure cost report 2018.

Containerschiff mit Fracht


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Customer Information of Our NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH

During the last days, almost all global operating Carriers and NVOCC`S informed about the dramatic increase of Bunker prices (Marine Fuel Oil). This reportedly led to an enormous raise of the operating costs for their deployed vessels. Due to the a.m. development, the Carriers announced a temporary Surcharge, named Emergency-Bunker-Surcharge (EBS), Valid as of 01.06.2018 (B/L-Date).

Verkehrsschild Mautgebühren


  • NOSTA Group
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  • Logistics
  • Rail
  • Warehousing

Customer Information: Increase of Toll Charges

In the past few weeks, the relevant media and the daily news have indicated that the legislator has already put in place various steps to widen the toll charges for the German long-distance traffic network. With this letter, we would like to inform you about the current situation and first notify you of the initial consequences on the cost structure.

Foto Herr Dahlhoff


  • NOSTA Group

New Face and New Location – Bernd Dalhoff is the New Managing Director of FEIL GmbH

Bernd Dalhoff was appointed Managing Director of FEIL GmbH on 1 September 2017. In this function, the native of Muenster will concentrate on strengthening the existing product portfolio and expanding it with innovative intra-logistics solutions.

Flyer Aktionstag Logistik


  • NOSTA Group

3. Logistics Promotion Day - Osnabrueck Moves

The Individuallogistik (KNI e.V.) competency network invites you to the third “Aktionstag der Logistik“ (Logistics Promotion Day) on Saturday, 26 August 2017. There will be a colourful programme for the whole family from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Halle Gartlage in Osnabrueck. Exciting insights into the world of logistics are guaranteed.

Portrait Christian Hammacher


  • Road
  • NOSTA Group

Christian Hammacher is the New Managing Director of NOSTA Cargo GmbH

Christian Hammacher took over the position of Managing Director of NOSTA Cargo GmbH on 1 July 2017. In this position, Mr Hammacher is responsible for our company’s own vehicle fleet. Apart from his position as Forwarding Manager, he will concentrate on the strategic steering of the freight transport and further expansion of business potential.

beladenes Containerschiff in Küstennähe


  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Delivery Delays for Shipments via Northern Ports

Dear Sir or Madam, as you probably know, the situation in global container shipping remains very tense. According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), more than 11 percent of the global volume of goods is currently stuck on waiting container ships. The congestion on the North Sea are particularly long.
