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NOSTA Group Equips Fleet With Fuel-Saving Trailers

  • Osnabrück-based full-service logistics provider equips itself with ten trailers from Schmitz Cargobull
  • EcoFlex ensures fuel savings thanks to adjustable roof
  • NOSTA plans long-distance use of the new trailers

Osnabrück, May 22, 2024 – With the purchase of ten aerodynamic semi-trailers from Schmitz Cargobull, the NOSTA Group intends to further reduce its fuel consumption and make its transport services more sustainable. The full-service logistics provider from Osnabrück opted for the EcoFlex model, whose roof can be lowered at the rear in just a few simple steps if needed. The company believes that fuel savings of at least eight percent per 100 kilometers are possible. The trailers also feature a special technology that removes ice from the roofs of the trailers in the winter.

"The new trailers are part of our steps towards a more sustainable transport offering. Following the renewal of our fleet in 2023 and the electrification of shuttle services at one location, the EcoFlex trailers are the next investment in this area," explains Stefan Hoge, Fleet Manager at NOSTA Group. The principle of the new trailers is very simple: the roof is lowered towards the rear in a few easy steps and without tools, and the side curtains are attached to special hooks. The effort required for the flexible conversion is minimal: "We estimate a maximum conversion time of 15 minutes. This can be integrated into the daily work routine of our drivers," says Hoge confidently. The aerodynamic lowering of the back roof section ensures less air turbulence at the rear, reduces air resistance and therefore also fuel consumption.

As a result, the EcoFlex technology should save at least eight percent fuel per 100 kilometers. The NOSTA Group plans to use the new trailers primarily for transport to Switzerland and for national long-distance transport. "We consider the effect to be particularly significant on longer routes," explains Hoge. The new acquisition will change little for the drivers. The driving behavior of the trailers is considered smoother and the company's internal competition for the lowest fuel consumption should also be given a new incentive by the trailers. "Our drivers compare themselves with each other and take a very close look at fuel consumption. And we all enjoy looking at the fuel bill together," says Hoge with a smile.

After all, that's what it's all about: reducing costs. "In view of rising toll charges and constantly high fuel prices, we want to set ourselves apart from the competition in this way and offer our customers a more sustainable transport service at the same time," explains Hoge. The flexibly adjustable rear of the trailers also makes it possible to adapt to a wide variety of goods and cargo. "If the full height is required, our drivers can also implement this at short notice and on site."

Another special feature can be found in the roof construction of the trailers. The so-called Roof Safety Airbag System is installed in all new trailers. Using compressed air, the roof of the trailer is bent so that water drains off and no dangerous ice sheets can form on the roof during the winter. "This happens when the truck is parked and without the driver having to step onto the roof of the trailer. A real safety benefit for other road users as well!" says a delighted Stefan Hoge.

The full-service logistics provider was also able to determine the look of the new trailers: In addition to nine trailers in the familiar NOSTA yellow, a trailer with large advertising for "Blut transportiert e.V." will be on the road. The initiative has been significantly supported by the NOSTA Group since its foundation in 2020 and is committed to the fight against diseases of the blood-forming system within the logistics industry.

