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  • NOSTA Group
  • Sea & Air

Record Volumes at the Ports of USA

Dear Sir or Madam

Due to the massive increase in volume from Asia to the USA, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have been handling record volumes in recent months, which has created huge backlogs and ever increasing congestion. At the moment the number of ships waiting to berth at relevant terminals has reached a new high with over 40 ships queuing up, creating ever greater challenges for exporters and importers.The speed of processing the inbound containers is slowing down and the shortage of container chassis` and truck availability for last mile delivery is causing the queues to grow longer and longer.

Our customer service teams are monitoring the situation closely and provide timely information on pending shipments.

Learn more about NOSTA Logistics B.V

Our Landbrige Service can help you to minimize delays and keep control of costs in these challenging times.

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